Set Up Instagram Posts The Right Way

A weekly blog while also thinking about content, business strategies, work, etc. can be a lot. Mostly because I write whatever I am feeling when I am feeling it. I will stop everything I am doing to write a blog post. Lately, I have not felt strongly enough about topics.. weird. So, if you have any topics you are interested in, let me know.

While scrambling through my brain on what gold nugget I could offer, I decided to talk about setting up Instagram posts to get the highest organic reach possible. Follow the below steps for the best organic reach. 

The below information is meant to be used as an educational tool and does not guarantee any specific outcomes. There is a lot more to social media marketing than a couple correctly set-up Instagram posts 😉

  1. A clear photo
    We all have to start somewhere, meaning photos might not be grade A quality which is ok! Just start. But, if there is a possibility for great photos or a chance to hire a photographer, go that route. The first thing that will grab a follower’s eye is the image! What I will always advise against is grabbing a low-quality graphic from a search engine. There are quality, royalty-free images in the free version of Canva or free stock photo websites. For more about this topic, read this blog post.

2. Clear and concise caption
Ideally, every caption should be short and with a call to action. Make sure the first line or sentence grabs the audience’s attention. When struggling with a caption, think, “How can I relate this to my audience?”

3. Geo-tag
This is the easiest part. Once the picture has been chosen and the caption is complete, click on the Location. Choose between the current physical location, where the product is located, or where the picture was taken. Depending on the caption and CTA will depend on the geo-tag. For example, I tag the county in most of my posts, not a physical location. In my last post on created by kierst, I tagged the place I took that batch of photos. But, in one of my last Reels, I announced I was in a salon and used their geo-tag. Location is important and will help followers when they are searching.

4. Hashtags
Many people get stumped on hashtags. A little secret, if I think too hard about it, I also trip myself up. KEEP HASHTAGS SIMPLE. I always recommend a brand hashtag. This can be your business name, slogan, or both. You will see, depending on which business, I always use my brand hashtags – #createdbykierst #DesigningBusiness #MakingItWork
Now, aside from branded tags, think about what the audience would search to find this particular item. So, if I am looking for a graphic designer, I might search #graphicdesigner or #graphicdesign. If I am looking for a new coffee shop, I might search #coffeeshop #localcoffee #coffeeaddict or #coffeelover. The hope is a photo of a cup of coffee will pop up, and the geo-tag will be on it.
The point is, do not overcomplicate hashtags. Just think of the phrases one would use to search for the item. (Also, utilize analytics and see how the audience has reacted and what content has reached the Explore page).

5. Tagging Accounts
Do not make me regret this one – only tag accounts that make sense to tag. Misusing this is an easy way to be marked as spam.
When it is necessary, tag other accounts. This could be – another product in the photo, the account of the geo-tag, the account of the city or town, a collaboration account, an event account, or other accounts that encourage tagging them. The best example of the last one is for artists – several accounts simply re-share others’ artwork to get exposure. Their bio usually has instructions for tagging them.

6. Is it a paid promotion or partnership with someone?
Under geo-tag, there is a chance for paid partnership. This is for transparency for the audience. If a post is set up this way, the other account must accept it before it will display, as a paid partnership.

7. Are you sharing the post to other platforms?
At the bottom, there is an option to share across other platforms. I optimize this sometimes to Facebook. However, this leads me to the next question…

8. Is it the optimal time?
Check the analytics to see the most optimal time to post. The potential issue with cross-posting is not hitting an optimal time on all accounts. Check when the audience is most active and post just before then. I try to aim for 5-0 minutes before my optimal time. You will have to test out various times and days.

Also, these will change. As audiences grow in size and variety, the analytics will change, meaning the days and times will probably change. That is supposed to happen. Grow and adapt with them to get the best results.

Bonus tip: Consistency is the only thing that will not change. You have to say consistent. I do not know if I am saying this more for myself or others. But it is a great reminder for all.

I hope this has been helpful. In complete honesty, my brain feels fried, which means it is time for me to go. If you need further assistance, are looking for an Instagram audit, or are looking for someone to manage your social media, contact me here. Otherwise,

all the love & espresso,

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